Sciences Po

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177 vidéos sélectionnées

How do you make Europe work without centralising everything?

Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Oxford professor and visiting researcher at CERI, Sciences Po.

OxPo (Oxford-Sciences Po Programme) :

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On March 7 and 8 Sciences Po welcomed college counselors from international schools for its second International Counselor Workshop. The workshop was designed to give guidance counselors the opportunity to learn more about our institution.

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L'Indonésie d'Alexis, étudiant à Sciences Po et photographe

Alexis Aulagnier commente une série de photos prises en 2011-2012, pendant sa 3e année de cursus passée à l'étranger.

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École d’affaires publiques : les études de cas

En savoir plus sur l'École d'affaires publiques :

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Thèmes liés : ecole a l d elle meme

The international perspective of graduate studies at Sciences Po

Graduate student Dominik Hatiar shares his reasons for choosing the Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs and focuses on the international outlook of the education he receives.

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Sciences Po students come from all over the world

“Our students come from all different backgrounds and countries”

Delphine Grouès, Executive Dean of Studies at Sciences Po, describes what Sciences Po is looking for in prospective students and talks about the values the university wants to promote. For more information:

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Forum du Sport Sciences Po : Ambiance

Le 28 mai a eu lieu la 1ère Edition du Forum du Sport à Sciences Po.

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Thèmes liés : forums sciences po

Partir en 3e année à Londres

Reportage à Londres auprès d'étudiants de Sciences Po en 3e année d'échange à la London School of Economics (LSE), University College London (UCL) et King's College.

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Career opportunities at Sciences Po

Careers adviser Julia Lindbom talks about the career opportunities open to Sciences Po students. Following completion of their degree, 80 percent of Sciences Po graduates find work within six months.

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A dual bachelor's degree Sciences Po Columbia

A dual bachelor's degree Sciences Po Columbia, launched in 2011.

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